Fill your body with goodness

Get a 100% natural boost with our New Zealand-grown superfood powders.

Good nutrition is easier than you think. Our range of daily shots are made up of the best supercharged ingredients that New Zealand has to offer. It's the natural, no-fuss way to feel your best.

Nutrition to nourish your body

Feel your best

Get an everyday boost of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants

Energy and immunity

Use great nutrition to feel stronger and get more out of your day

Vitamin C

Get 127% RDI of vitamin C in one simple scoop

No nasties

Enjoy 100% natural wholefoods without sweeteners, fillers or flavours

Nourishing superfoods

Simplify your health routine with one supercharged shot

Affordable nutrition

$2 a day is all it takes to boost your intake of fruits and leafy greens.

Feel your best: Get an everyday boost of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants

Energy and immunity: Use great nutrition to feel stronger and get more out of your day

Vitamin C: Get 127% RDI of vitamin C in one simple scoop

No nasties: Enjoy 100% natural wholefoods without sweeteners, fillers or flavours

Nourishing superfoods: Simplify your health routine with one supercharged shot

Affordable nutrition: $2 a day is all it takes to boost your intake of fruits and leafy greens.

Get Started Pack
Get Started Pack
Get Started Pack
Get Started Pack
Get Started Pack
Get Started Pack
Get Started Pack
Get Started Pack
Get Started Pack

Get Started Pack

Save over 30% with a special intro offer for first-time customers (valued at $99).

The journey to a healthier you starts now! Our superfood blend of dark berries and leafy greens will help you feel amazing, inside and out. Each shot is packed with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. One daily scoop of our famous Double Shot is the easy way for you to thrive. 

It’s simply 100% natural, guaranteed goodness. 

Regular price $112.00 Sale price$78.00
  • 30-day supply of Double Shot
  • Get a FREE Essentials KitIncludes a shaker, shaker ball, shot glass, scoop and magnet
  • 30 day money back wellness guarantee
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So many reasons to give us a try

Naturally, we're 100% New Zealand-grown

Organic goodness is easy in Aotearoa New Zealand. From our lush farms to our diverse climate, we’re in the perfect spot for growing quality superfoods. Each shot is made of the best ingredients New Zealand has to offer.

Our people are invested, too. The farmers we partner with care about the nutritious
food they grow just as much as the land it comes from.

Ingredients with impact

We believe in the power of simplicity, and it all begins with great ingredients. Our eight
superfoods are handpicked for their effectiveness and nutrient potency.

They’re harvested at their peak, dried and powdered to lock in vitamins and minerals.
That’s it. Just 100% natural, unaltered wholefoods to help you thrive.

Work smarter, not harder

with your nutrition through our superfood blend.

100% natural

Vegan friendly

Gluten free

Preservative & additive free

No refined sugars

Traceable ingredients